yes they did, it was a way of marking themselves as christian and showing they had been to war in the holy land, much like medals of today.
the kinghts of the round table
A limit of 4 tattoos none on the head, neck, hands, and fingers also no sleeves. Tattoos cannot pass sleeve when wearing short sleeve
people wanted to fight in the crusades for many different reasons, such as:EVERYBODY WAS EAGER TO FIGHT IN THE CRUSADES BECAUSE THEY GET GRANTED INTO HEAVEN IF THEY DIE IN THE CRUSADESKnights fought in the crusades because of their love for war also for their lady.Fighting in this war meant honour and pride as well as the reasons above.
People were persuaded to go to the Crusades through the use of religion and rewards in the after-life. It was believed that a warrior in the Crusades would be greatly rewarded in his afterlife. Participation in the Crusades became a badge of honor.
Baptizing and burning.
the kinghts of the round table
A reflection of his genuine personality
lots of kinghts, soldiers and peasants and most importatly Harold
Oh, dude, the goal of the Crusades was basically like a big road trip to the Holy Land to fight for control of Jerusalem. It was like a medieval version of a sightseeing tour, but with a lot more armor and swords. So, yeah, the goal was to reclaim Jerusalem and show off their shiny armor.
There are two types of crusades: the political crusades and the religious crusades. The crusades are used to win new converts and inform. Political crusades are usually used for power and fame.
What tattoos???
She has tattoos, but she doesn't give other people tattoos.
Four Crusades, with other negligible crusades.
Well, honey, the Crusades weren't exactly a girls' day out. Women weren't typically on the front lines swinging swords and slaying dragons. But hey, they were definitely around, holding down the fort back home, managing estates, and probably rolling their eyes at the men running off to fight in a holy war.