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Maryland (slave) and Pennsylvania (free soil)

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It separated Maryland from Pennsylvania, i.e. slave-states from free states. But the slave-state of Maryland had remained loyal.

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Q: Did the mason-dixon line separate the north from the south?
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Where is Mason-Dixon line in NJ?

North American continent, United States of America.There's always been some disagreement as to the exact location of the dividing lines. It's generally accepted that the East-West line divides Maryland, Pennsylvania and part of West Virginia, and the North-South line divides Maryland and Delaware. OR SIMPLY...1. Mason Dixon Line: A stone-made line that separates the Middle colonies from the Southern colonies.

What did the south stand to gain as a reault of The Missouri Compromise?

The assurance that there would be no new slave-states North of the Missouri line.

What was the 17th paralle?

The 17th parallel is the line of latitude 17 degrees North of the Equator. I'm not sure of any particular significance to WWII directly; it was where Vietnam was divided into North and South (in the mid-1950s) though, which might be what you're thinking of.

Why wasn't the north and the south able to compromise over their differences in 1861?

They did - the Missouri Compromise. This lasted thirty years, and was only rendered impractical by the admission of California, a state that extended so far on either side of the Missouri line that both sides claimed it. If only California could have been admitted as two separate states - North and South - there needn't have been a Civil War. The Missouri Compromise was very sensible, and deserved to last.

What name was given to the dividing line between North and South Vietnam?

The border is the Sino-Vietnamese border, where fighting broke out in March, 1979 between China and Vietnam, 4 years after the victory over South Vietnam and 4 months after the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia. The Chinese were victorious but withdrew, and failed to stop the Cambodian incursion.* The better known border is the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) along the 38th Parallel separating North Korea from South Korea.

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Did the mason dixon line separate the north and the south?

Yes. It separated Maryland from Pennsylvania.

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When Line of latitude run in a north south direction but are measured in what degrees?

No line of latitude is a north/south line. A move to the north or south is a change of latitude.

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A line that runs north and south is called a meridian.

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North South MRT Line was created in 1987.

What is the imaginary line traveling from north to south?

The main North/South line of longitude is the Prime Meridian.

What was the the Mason-Dixsom line commonly seen to separate?

The Mason-Dixon Line was the border between Maryland and Pennsylvania established by royal surveyors in the colonial period. Informally, it is the line between North and South.

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What is the primemeridian?

it is the line that runs from north to south throught the north pole and the south pole

What is a north south line?

A north-south line is a line or direction that runs from the north to the south, or vice versa, on a map or globe. It is used in navigation to indicate orientations relative to the North and South Poles.

What North Korea and South Korea are separated by?

North Korea and South Korea are divided into a ceasefire line. This line made after Korean War.