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Q: Do you put battles in italics?
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How do you get italics in your MySpace profile?

<i></i> put the words that you want to be in italics between the ><

Do you put song titles in italics?

In a novel, can you put song titles in italics?

When writing an essay should a brand name be in italics For example I own a pair of Nike shoes?

yes because it is a brand and claire's is a brand and if you didn't put it in italics it could mean someones name sooooooo Nike should be put in italics or any other brand name should be put in italics

How do you put a lean on a car title you are selling?

You put it in Italics. Eg. Toyota Camry

What is the grammar for punctuating the title of a film?

Underline it. Or put it in italics.

How do you punctuate an article?

Put the title in quotes.

Do you put quotation marks around names of speeches?

No, Italics.

When your writing a dream in a story should you put it in italics?

It depends on what sort of story you're writing. It maybe be helpful to but a dream sequence in italics, just as you might place a character's thoughts in italics. If you're able to convey clearly that what you are writing is a dream, italics are not needed, but again, italics may be a helpful choice for the reader if you go directly into the dream sequence.

Should song titles be underlined?

Song Titles are put into italics.

Which shortcut in a Windows application allows you to put text in italics?

Ctrl + I

If a character is thinking a specific thought do you put it in quotations?

No, when a character is thinking a specific thought, it is typically written in italics instead of within quotation marks. This helps to differentiate a character's thoughts from their spoken dialogue.

Can you use Latin words in APA?

Yes/ Put the Latin words in italics.