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Erich Honecker

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Q: East German leader 1971-1989
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Who was the leader of east Berlin when the Berlin wall was built?

The leaders of the two German states at the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall were: West Germany: Helmut Kohl East Germany: Erich Honneker (ironically the man responsible for overseeing its construction in the first place)

What type of government does East Germany have?

When the Berlin Wall was built, the East German government was communist. Although other parties were allowed, these had to agree to submit to the leadership of the communist Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SED Socialist Unity Party of Germany). At the time the East German leader and General Secretary of the SED was Walter Ulbricht, but the the man charged with building the wall was Erich Honneker.Fittingly (and ironically) Honnecker was General Secretary of the SED and East German leader when the Wall came down.

When did German East Africa end?

German East Africa ended in 1919.

When was German East Africa created?

German East Africa was created in 1885.

When was East German mark created?

East German mark was created in 1948.

When did East German mark end?

East German mark ended in 1990.

What happened on August 25th 1997?

Former East German leader Egon Krenz is convicted for a shoot to kill policy at the Berlin Wall. Source: Wikipedia

Which east African protectorate was German?

German East Africa (German: Deutsch-Ostafrika) was a German colony in East Africa, including what is now Burundi, Rwanda and Tanganyika (the mainland part of present Tanzania).

When was East German Green Party created?

East German Green Party was created in 1990.

When did German East African rupie end?

German East African rupie ended in 1916.

When was German East African rupie created?

German East African rupie was created in 1890.

When was East German Air Force created?

East German Air Force was created in 1956.