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Major Robert Anderson

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Q: Fort Sumter head of union forces?
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Who was the head of the union forces in fort Sumter?

Major John Anderson headed the fort for the union.

Who was head of Union Forces during Fort Sumter?

Major Robert Anderson

Who was the head of the confederate forces of fort Sumter?

P.G.T. Beauregard.

Who commanded the Northern and Southern forces at Fort Sumter in 1861?

The Head of Confederate Forces was Beauregard.Major Robert Anderson was the commander of the US garrison at Fort Sumter.

When was major Robert Anderson head of union forces?

At Fort Sumter, in Charleston harbour - a tiny island fortress that Lincoln was keen to hold on to. But the Confederates claimed it as part of South Carolina (the state that had started the rebellon) and fired on it - the opening shots of the war.

Who was the head of fort Sumter?

Major Anderson, who evacuated the fort after heavy bombardment by Confederate artillery.

Who was the head of the union army at fort sumpter?

Major Anderson

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George McClellan

Who was the head of the union forces in Antietam?

George McLellan

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Ulysses Grant

Head of union forces at Shiloh?

ulysses s. grant

Was grant the head of the union forces is battle of vicksberg?

Yes, he was.