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Pretty bad for six million gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews, and others who were killed.

The Holocaust was probably the worst thing that ever happened to the world. Over six million Jews were killed and that is not including all the other races of people. People from Poland, Denmark, France, The United States and many other countries had people die from either fighting or just geeting caught by the Nazis and one guy choosing your future by the turn of a finger. Many people even buried their own grave. And there's much more. That is only a sample of how bad the Holocaust was.

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12y ago

Earthellism, the new philosophy of the 21st century, can help understand genocide. All current religions and philosophies except for Atheism have failed to explain why genocides happen. Genocides can be explained by atheism and genocides have caused a massive increase in atheism and closet atheism. Earthellism can completely explain how terrible genocides are and can explain in a way that reinforces the presence of God and can help atheist and closet atheist believe in a God. God cannot stop genocides here on hell on earth. God cannot prevent someone from dying when they are shot in the head by a bullet or has their throat cut by a large knife. Those who commit genocide misinterpret

their actions by thinking that if God did not want them to kill, God would stop them. The killers forget that hell is on earth and most likely these killers do not believe in a hell they have amplified. Earthellism explains that God is omnibenevolent but not omnipotent (since being both is contradictory here on earth) and being omnibenevolent is more needed than omnipotent. Ask any child do they want their parents to be omnipotent or omnibenevolent and they will always say omnibenevolent since love is the greatest force in the universe.

Genocide is extreme hell on earth and God cannot stop the killing but more importantly he can compensate the victims fully for their pain and suffering and guarantee the killers will spend earth's eternity in a hell worse thean they can imagine. Earthellism can allow genocides to lead to less atheism . Killers who even have a mild idea of earthellism may elect to stop the killing.

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12y ago

the genocide of fashion.

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