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They ate bacon burgers, but the Europeans didn't like that so they ate German's plant that they hated, which was gummy worms. It was a horrible sight.

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Q: How did Germans feel differently than other Europeans about the war?
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Why did the Germans feel differently than Europeans about the war?

While in Germany, the sense of betrayal and dishonor prompted some Germans to seek revenge. Many Germans, especially members of the army, believed that Germany had not lost the war on the battlefield. This was a delusion, but a dangerous one. These people felt that Germany, the army and all those who had lost their lives in the war had been betrayed by traitors at home who had undermined the soldiers at the front. The man who rose up to lead them was Adolf Hitler.

Did the Germans feel sexually aroused about how Hitler treated the Jews?

It depended if they were Nazi's or not, but some Nazi's were forced into it. Some did, some didn't.

Why did Americans feel that Germany was their enemy in 1917?

Americans felt that the Germans ware their enemy in 1917 because they though Germany through their leader Hitlar wanted to rule them.

How did other Germans feel about Hitler's belief that Germans were superior?

In many countries people grew up believing that their own nation was superior to others, but it's something that was simply assumed and not based on an ideology. There was also the widely held view in Germany that the Germans were the true custodians of education, science and scholarship and that other peoples hardly understood these things. Joncey

How did the SS help control Germany?

the SS and the Gestapo could arrest anyone that they thought opposed the Nazis or was a threat to them without a trial. This would scare people that opposed them so they would support the Nazis instead The SS also ran concentration camps which would imprison the other political parties and anyone that was anti-Nazi leaving the Nazis as the only party in the Reichstag

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How did Germans feel different than the europeans about the war?

They ate bacon burgers, but the Europeans didn't like that so they ate German's plant that they hated, which was gummy worms. It was a horrible sight.

Why did the Germans feel differently than Europeans about the war?

While in Germany, the sense of betrayal and dishonor prompted some Germans to seek revenge. Many Germans, especially members of the army, believed that Germany had not lost the war on the battlefield. This was a delusion, but a dangerous one. These people felt that Germany, the army and all those who had lost their lives in the war had been betrayed by traitors at home who had undermined the soldiers at the front. The man who rose up to lead them was Adolf Hitler.

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because lee was there