It was thought to be appropriate and people lined up to enlist at the recruiting stations accros the country.
Not only did different people respond in different ways, but people were treated differently also.
Buchanan wasn't President so he didn't respond. Lincoln was president.
Western nations were prepared to use force to stop the spread of communism.
I love sk8boarding
yo moma
Which success
They began to smuggle goods into and out of the country
We are likely to respond first because when we are given a warning that something is coming,we will evacuate quickly.
Yes it is and no its not
We would need to know the country you want to telephone Husqvarna in to respond to this question.
Depends what country was bombed and by whome. If the country was bombed by aliens guess the rest of the world would panic big time.
RSVP is an acronym, not a word. It's origins are French, and it stands for "Répondez s'il vous plaît" ("respond, if it pleases you", or "please respond").
"French Fairies" were created by the Italians in respond to the whole "vanetian gnome" fiasco
mainly adventure and pride of country
Different men would respond differently to the women's movement. Some would be on their side, while others still felt that the country should be dominated by men, and that the place for women was in the home.