The highest ranking officer in the Army is the Army Chief of Staff. The current Army Chief of Staff is General Martin Dempsey.
In the United States Army the highest ranking officer is a General. Bellow him is a Lietenant General. But the highest rankin officer is a four star general deemed chief of staff
He was a career Army Officer.
Baron von Steuben
The highest ranking officer in the Army is the Army Chief of Staff. The current Army Chief of Staff is General Martin Dempsey.
The following link will provide an illustration of the high-ranking officer in the Terracotta Army.
In the United States Army the highest ranking officer is a General. Bellow him is a Lietenant General. But the highest rankin officer is a four star general deemed chief of staff
Captain (The Navy has a rank of Captain that is equivalent of an Army Colonel, or such.)
The Army Chief of Staff is the highest ranking officer in the peacetime Army. The highest raning NCO is the Sergeant Major of the Army.
Not necessarily.
Eisenhower was a ARMY officer, not NAVY
Lt Colonel
Someone can still become an officer in the army if he has a DUI incidence in his records. The army does not deny people with such records and misdemeanors.
You will need to be in active service with a ranking of e5 or higher. Typically recruiters come from the non-commissioned officer ranks. You can put in a request or volunteer for a recruiting position. Then you will complete mandatory recruiter training at a camp like Ft. Jackson. You can become an army recruiter by applying through You can go to the career section and look for all the openings there.
An adjutator is another word for an agitator, historically, a person appointed by the army to take care of them and look after their best interests.