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The War caused changes Germany and Russia were not prepared for. WWI thrust the United States into the role of world leadership, and was the beginning of the decline for England. The world's financial center shifted from London to New York, and England became heavily indebted to the United States. Women acquired the right to vote throughout Europe. The war stimulated the U.S. economy, and increased employment as women entered the work place. France suffered untold property damage. Germany suffered severe economic difficulties causing despair, hardship, and an uncertain future.

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13y ago
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12y ago

it affects everything to do with there family's and friends because there the one who has died and will miss them dearly. it affects there friends who watch them die and =make most people go mad from the suond of death and seeing the death of there friends>>>

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15y ago

WW1 gave reason to WW2.

Chain of reactions: WW1--->Versaille Treaty --->Wilhelm II gone---> Weimar Republic --->uproars, people disappointed -->parliament difficulties (many parties and controversial struggles) --->finance crush --->inflation--> call for strong man-->1933 Hitler---> main party:NSDAP-->1939-45 War (from Poland over Russia to the Allies) -->crash of Germany--> separation: East/West, parts gone to Poland and Russia

Heritage: Holocaust, lost land, suspicion of neighbour states and worldwide

Effects: different biographies in East and West (East: communist, West: free capitalist), 1989: break down of communism, wall down, new chapter in German history, still today prejudices between East and West...
Look also to the effects in eastern Europe Yugoslavia war, effects in Russia and former republics of the Soviet Union (Chechnya...).

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16y ago

Many cities were affected by World War 1. Denisen, in germany, was one of the most affected cities.

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14y ago

Many countries spent millions on war. And some countries where destroyed and took years to rebuild it all.

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