"Buzkashi" is similar to a game Mongolian troops used to play long ago when conquering a village/town/etc. But instead of a goat a child or human was used until they were dead, then another was put in it's place. It spread from china and Mongolia and it was then turned into a sport with a goat in Afghanistan, and in Persia they had a similar form of the game with something similar to a puck instead of any living creature, which is where polo got it's origins from.
I heard this from a historian who is also a friend of the family who knows a lot about the subject, I haven't been able to find anything to dissuade this argument or prove though.
Central Asia
They had no unity of culture.
Calvary Charges Siege warfare
Genghis Khan was the first leader of the Mongols and led them to conquer and create a huge empire..
Facts on Mongol weapons
Mongol Empire was created in 1206.
The Mongol Empire was between 1206-1368.
Emir Timur was determined to restore the Mongol Empire.
the mongol rule their empire by help the animal and plantation
which mountain range separated the mongol empire from India
Genghis Khan was the first Great Khan of the Mongol Empire.
The Mongol Empire
Located almost all over Asia. And touch Europe,too. Mongol Empire was the biggest Empire and most powerful Empire of all time. Mongol Empire and Khmer Empire were friends (two powerful Empires of 12 century). If you want to see a map of Mongol Empire, search it in Google, or go to THE related Linkbelow.
Foreign invaders took control of the Mongol Empire. During this time, corruption and rebellions also spread in this empire
It was the Mongol Empire.
The Mongol Empire promoted trade and cultural exchanges between Asia and Europe
Asia was mostly controlled by the mongol empire.