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about 9.5 fillpin million people fought in World War 2

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Q: How man people thought in World War 2?
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How man soldiers went in World War 1 from UK?

209,85 people went into world war one from the uk

Did more people die in WW1 than World War 2?

No, many more people died in World War 2 than world war 1. It is estimated that 16 million people died in World War 1, and around 60 million in World War 2.World War II was no where near as violent as World War I, but yes, more people died in World War II.

Who was the man that predicted World War 1 and World War 2?

Jeremy Capald is the man who predicted World War I and World War II!!

Why was fanfare for the common man so successful?

It was successful because he (Aaron Copland) thought to repeat the procedure in world war 2

How man people died in World War 2?

Approximately 14,098 Londoners died

How many people still play world at war for PC?

Only hackers man

Did people think that Winston Churchill was the right man to lead the country?

Not everyone thought that Winston Churchill was the right person. He had allies and enemies in politics and in public opinion. As history shows, he was the right person to lead the country at the time of the second world war.

What is no man land in world war 1?

no mans land in is where no person during a war claims and is usually in the middle of two fighting people's bases

What games did people play during World War 2?

sharades blind man's buff things like that

Why there were lots of people died in world war 2?

Because Hitlor was a mean mean man and was very racist!

What did people think about isaac newton?

people thought he was a very good man

Who were the Central Powers in World War 1?

Central Powers in World War I Germany Central Powers in World War I Germany Big tallywhacker Little man She man Suck my slong