The Vietnam Conflict, popularly known as the Vietnam War (also known as the Second Indochina War and colloquially as Vietnam or Nam as well as the American War or Kh�ng chiến chống Mỹ [lol in English please], the Resistance War Against America in Vietnam) was a conflict in which the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRVN, or North Vietnam) and its allies fought against the Republic of Vietnam (RVN, or South Vietnam) and its allies. North Vietnam's allies included the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam, the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China. South Vietnam's main allies included the United States, South Korea and Australia all of who deployed large numbers of troops. US combat troops were involved from 1959 until their official withdrawal in 1973. A large number of civilian casualties resulted from the war, which ended on April 30, 1975 with the capitulation of South Vietnam. It was a war in which the united states got into to fight off communism The Vietnam War was a war based on the separation of the country Vietnam. North Vietnam was communist and South Vietnam was Republic. The Fighting started when North Vietnam wanted to unite the North and the South and establish a communist government. The United States stepped in and backed up the South. The fighting started with the North saying they were going to unite the country and the South and the US saying that they were fighting off communist. The US drafted soldiers to the war and many of them died. After, 15 years of fighting North Vietnam won and established a unified but communist Vietnam. The Vietnam war is considered to be the only war that the US has ever lost.
United States officialy ended the war in Vietnam after Paris Peace Accord in 1973 that's when last tropps pulled out from Vietnam.AnswerTechnically the war was over when the Paris Peace Accords were signed but ... US left the embassy in 1975 (2 Marines died) -- thus ending all US involvement in VietNam.
Korean War & Cuban Missile Crisis. Both brought the issue of atomic weapons to the fore front. Vietnam didn't, because the lessons learned from those two experiences were applied to Vietnam...(that's why North Vietnam wasn't invaded).
On May 15, 1975 American Marines stormed the beaches of a remote island in the Gulf of Thailand called Koh Tang to perform a rescue mission. However, due to intelligence failures and other factors, 41 American servicemembers died that day or were missing in what would be regarded as the last battle of the Vietnam War
He died in Vietnam in 1968.
The Vietnam Conflict, popularly known as the Vietnam War (also known as the Second Indochina War and colloquially as Vietnam or Nam as well as the American War or Kh�ng chiến chống Mỹ [lol in English please], the Resistance War Against America in Vietnam) was a conflict in which the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRVN, or North Vietnam) and its allies fought against the Republic of Vietnam (RVN, or South Vietnam) and its allies. North Vietnam's allies included the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam, the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China. South Vietnam's main allies included the United States, South Korea and Australia all of who deployed large numbers of troops. US combat troops were involved from 1959 until their official withdrawal in 1973. A large number of civilian casualties resulted from the war, which ended on April 30, 1975 with the capitulation of South Vietnam. It was a war in which the united states got into to fight off communism The Vietnam War was a war based on the separation of the country Vietnam. North Vietnam was communist and South Vietnam was Republic. The Fighting started when North Vietnam wanted to unite the North and the South and establish a communist government. The United States stepped in and backed up the South. The fighting started with the North saying they were going to unite the country and the South and the US saying that they were fighting off communist. The US drafted soldiers to the war and many of them died. After, 15 years of fighting North Vietnam won and established a unified but communist Vietnam. The Vietnam war is considered to be the only war that the US has ever lost.
See: Vietnam War casualties by state.
in vietnam many people died but it was the south with the US on their side against the north with Russia and durring that time north vietnam with russia on their side were able to advance and take controll of the south untill the US came and supported the south which brought it to the border that they have now which is divided in half. but overall the south was good north bad and the north was way stronger because we had to retreat back to the US because the north was too powerful.
2 Beobles
Millions. i actually need a specific number.
He died in Massachusetts in 2001.
60k troops dided
Diem was assassinated in '63. Thieu died in Boston, MA.
alot of women died in the Vietnam war died
Jabez Allies died in 1856.
They were born later with birth defects caused by Agent Orange.
United States officialy ended the war in Vietnam after Paris Peace Accord in 1973 that's when last tropps pulled out from Vietnam.AnswerTechnically the war was over when the Paris Peace Accords were signed but ... US left the embassy in 1975 (2 Marines died) -- thus ending all US involvement in VietNam.