Sand Creek, November 29th 1864.
Sand Creek, Colorado
To show the attacking militia that they were friends of the white.
A militia is a volunteer army. I'm not sure which ones helped the Americans during the American Revolution, but i hope you know what a militia is now if you didn't know.
Nathon bacon
Yes. Colonel John Chivington led a militia group of the 3rd Colorado in 1864.
The Chivington Massacre, more commonly called the Sand Creek Massacre, involved the Colorado Territorial Militia, who attacked and destroyed a peaceful village of Cheyenne and Arapaho. Of the estimated 70-162 native Americans who were killed and mutilated, approximately 2/3 were women and children
John Milton Chivington
He was responsible for the Sand Creek Massacre as the Colonel commanding the Colorado Volunteer Militia.
There was no General Chivington. Colonel Chivington led the Union Militia at the Sand Creek Massacre in the Southwest.
The Cheyenne and their chief were worried that they would be attacked if they went on other territory and they would be shot. So they went to the government and asked where they could go and be safe. They said to sand creek. It was supposed to be theirs and no white men could enter. They settled there and lived. Then the government sent the Colorado Militia to wipe out the Cheyenne. All the Cheyenne died there. Today, there are law suits and stuff about this incident and some decendants from these Cheyenne people can make some money off of these lawsuits.
Where Colonel John Chivington led a force of mostly volunteer militiamen which slaughtered hundreds of indians, mostly women and children, and mutilated the bodies taking limbs and organs as trophies which they displayed at the Denver Opera House to a cheering crowd. The Sand Creek Massacre (also known as the Chivington Massacre, the Battle of Sand Creek or the Massacre of Cheyenne Indians) was an incident in the Indian Wars of the United States that occurred on November 29, 1864, when a 700-man force of Colorado Territory militia attacked and destroyed a village of friendly Cheyenne and Arapaho encamped in southeastern Colorado Territory, killing and torturing an estimated 70-163 Indians, about two-thirds of them were women and children. Surprisingly, Chivington was a Methodist minister. And, to make matters worse he used artillery on the village. The location has been designated a National Historic Site and is now the National Park Service.
Sand Creek, November 29th 1864.
The address of the Wyoming Militia Historical Society is: 624 East Pershing Blvd, Cheyenne, WY 82001
On November 29, 1864 seven hundred members of the Colorado Territory militia attacked the Cheyenne and Arapaho villages. These bloody events changed history. Two-thirds of the Native Americans killed or maimed were women and children and a treaty was broken with the Sand Creek massacre .
The Colorado Territorial Militia attacked a peaceful Cheyenne and Arapahoe village under Chief Black Kettle killing as many as 163 indians. It is known as the Sand Creek Massacre.
To show the attacking militia that they were friends of the white.