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Let them take the place; they were working on it anyway.

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Q: Instead of going into war with Vietnam what else could the US do?
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What does the Cold War have to do with the Vietnam and Korean?

The Korean Conflict was a major part of the Cold War. It was one of the largest clashes between communism and the western world, and it ended in a stalemate. Strangely, although the Cold War has ended, Korea remains divided as it was when the Cold War began.

What does bui-doi mean in vietnam's?

I'm afraid I reaserched it and it doesn't mean anything it only means bui-doi maybe you mean something else?

What role did Robert mcNamara play in the decision to escalate us military involvement in Vietnam?

Robert McNamara was Secretary of Defense during the early days of the Vietnam War. Robert McNamara spoke to Congress about the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 and begged Congress to let the United States enter fighting in Vietnam. Before that, the United States involvement was only a teaching mission to teach South Vietnam how to organize and fight North Vietnam.

Are Matt Nguyen and Can Nguyen and Charles Nguyen brothers?

No because the emperor of Vietnam made everyone change their last name to Nguyen or else they will be killed.Thats why a lot of people have the last name Nguyen.

What was Battle Fatigue called in Vietnam war?

Battle Fatique or Combat Fatique. It was called the same thing because the senior officers and NCOs leading the war in Vietnam were WWII era men. Generals Harkins, Westmoreland, Abrams (all Vietnam war commanders) had all fought in Europe against the Germans during WWII. Unfortunately, it was Vietnam Veterans (victims) that were used to introduce that "Post Tramatic Syndrome" term. Unfortunately because it set the trend for abuse by everyone else (called "getting on the band wagon"-all occupations and all people). But during the Vietnam War "post tramatic syndrome" didn't exist, just combat or battle stress (fatigue).

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What does instead mean?

instead: to take the place of something else.

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Sure you could take a shower or a bath that no one else is going into after you.

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Never eat it have something else instead or get married so your wife could make you stop

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so he could find something else to do

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If you are going to the beach you might say "beach hoilday", but if you are going somewhere else you could just say you are going on "hoilday" or vacation.

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It means air that is hot that is going upwards.... What else could it possibly mean?

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When all else the instructions.

How can you use Usurious in a sentence?

"Usurious" means lending money at a much higher interest rate than anyone else, or charging more than anyone else. These rates are usurious - I am going to Citibank instead!

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Ask her if she'd like to go out, and if she doesn't, it's not the end of the world. Or, you could do the easier thing and go for someone else.

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babies breathe the same as everybody else just at a faster rate, they are supposed to breathe in and out

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Just ask, many guys like it when you ask, instead of going around to everyone else.

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none.nookington's is only the bottom floor and top floor, nothing else