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The Fairness Doctrine was repealed and, for the first time, broadcast networks had to answer only to the public regarding the amount of coverage given to opposing viewpoints.

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Q: Is not true of the Fairness Doctrine and its relationship to the coverage of the Vietnam War?
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How has media coverage of wars changed from vietnam Is it better or worse?

Media coverage of wars changed from Vietnam for better.

What did media coverage of the war in Vietnam lead to?

Because of coverage of the Vietnam War being displayed in the media, this lead to Anti-War movements thorughout the U.S.

American military involvement in Vietnam can be explained as an extension of which policy?

The Truman Doctrine

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The truman doctrine

What did the media display during the Vietnam War?

Live coverage in living color.

The extension of the Truman Doctrine can explain American military involvement in which nation?

Vietnam ~ APEX

Nightly news coverage of the Vietnam War on television helped?

create a credibility gap

What wars was the Truman Doctrine used to justify?

* The Cold War. * The Korean War. * The Vietnam War.

What did the US do about Vietnam becoming Communist?

The US tried to prevent South Vietnam from becoming a communist country by fighting the war. After Vietnam became united as one COMMUNIST VIETNAM country, the US delayed relationships with that nation until the end of the cold war. With the ending of the cold war, trade relationships exist between the US and Vietnam; not a big trade relationship, but an exchange of goods, none the less.

What document did Dwight D. Eisenhower sign that lead us into the Vietnam War?

President Eisenhower signed the Eisenhower Doctrine which sayed any country that are ploting or have hurt a noncomunistic country and making them comunstic will be atacked by the United States of America. Of course when this doctrine was sighed and Vietnam did the exact oposite of what we wanted them to do. And as the doctrine says we have the athoraty to atack them and declare war. We did.

Where do north Vietnam and south Vietnam stand relationship wise?

There IS no North and South Vietnam, only Vietnam. After the US withdrew combat forces from South Vietnam, North Vietnam violated the peace agreement, invaded and conquered South Vietnam. Game over.