The North Vietnamese regard it as a war of liberation. The Americans saw it as a war against Communism. For them is was mostly a defensive and ´containment´ war, trying to keep the North Vietnamese from conquering South Vietnam.
Simple enough; type in his name on the search engine on the website: Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.
One of the main reasons was to separate the Vietnam War from the French War or French Vietnam War (which is often referred to as the French Indochina War; and lately, the 1st Indochina War). To makes things simple: The French Indochina War and the US (American) Vietnam War, might be the easiest way to remember it.
the tension between north and south came to a disagreement-north thought they deserved all of Vietnam and war was about to brake out south Vietnam asked America to help Lyndon b Johnson and Kennedy sent trainer to train the armies of the south soon that was not enough to help the southern Vietnamese people so troops were sent Vietnam. If one searches The Vietnam War and finds many start and end dates the reason for that is very simple. There was never an official start date of the war in Vietnam because war was never officially declared. America became very involved with the war in 1960. you check it out on CNN time line its pretty cool and simple find
The US supported South Vietnam because its covernment was anti-communist.
Oh, honey, where do I start? Chaotic, brutal, divisive, deadly. It was a hot mess, plain and simple. Those were some dark days, let me tell you.
Simple, the US.
In theory, liberation is very simple. All that is required is letting go of all one's attachments, including attachments to all egocentric thoughts, desires, and emotions. So liberation does not require doing anything; rather, it requires letting go, dropping everything personal. It is simple, but it is not easy. .
Vietnam was part of the COLD WAR. It was fought to stop the spread of communism.
It is simple they did not qualify.
the concept is very simple to understand. By Moksha (liberation) we can break the cycle of life and death
Simple enough; type in his name on the search engine on the website: Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.
US fighting men in Vietnam called the enemy either the NVA (North Vietnamese Army) or the VC (Viet Cong). Over the radio, during firefights, the transmissions would sound like, "...we have contact... November Victor Alpha (NVA)...Golf Charlie (Grid Coordinates)...1234...over!" Or: "...we have contact...Victor Charley (VC)...Golf Charlie (Grid Coordinates)...1234...request fire mission, over..." For those men that were NOT fighting, and were working around paper (administrative), and for politicians, the VC may have been called the NLF (National Liberation Front). But for the common fighting GI in Vietnam, NFL meant "National Football League." NFL or NLF... when you're in the jungle fighting, it's tomato/tomatoe. To avoid confusing an already confusing war, we just kept things simple: NVA/VC. Political Correctness was for the politicians.
Because it changed what had been a simple guerrilla war in South Vietnam into an open conventional war in both South VN and North Vietnam. There was no open direct hostilities against NORTH Vietnam prior to the Tonkin Gulf.
Simple, Canaima.
the 19th century.
To escalate a simple guerrilla war being conducted in the republic of South Vietnam into an open conventional war against North Vietnam itself.