It demonstrated that the new Federal government intended to enforce Federal Laws.
It also demonstrated that the US needed a standing army even in peacetime to deal with public disturbances and insurrections. This role, ironically, is now filled by the National Guard, which are still state-controlled militias.
Hitler's decision to send troops into the Rhineland
harry truman :))
Shortly after President Roosevelt (FDR) passed away, Truman came into office and made this decision.
When the Germans sunk the ocean liner Lusitania with Americans on board, especially Mr. Vanderbilt, the Americans and President Wilson were incensed. This led the Congress and President Wilson to declare war on Germany. Many Americans regretted this decision after the war.
President Ruthford Hayes, nineteenth president, kept his campaign promise to remove federal troops from the South, ending the period known as Reconstruction. The order was given on May 1st, 1877. The decision to end Reconstruction and return the rule to Southerners, soon resulted in the partial disenfranchisement of the Blacks in the South.
One decision was whether or not to support the French Revolution, I believe.
By George Washington choosing to put down the Whiskey Rebellion himself, he showed that the country's issues were important to him and that he was more than a decision maker and figurehead.
Washington's actions as President set a precedent for future Presidents to follow.
because it was
to be the best person
George Washington was very smart about his decision, because he chose two men that were extremely experienced. Jefferson was very adept at piglatin, and Hamilton was good with sex.
Thomas Jefferson, who was the Secretary of State in Washington's first cabinet, resigned after it seemed to him that Washington was siding with Hamilton in the disputes that Jefferson was having with Hamilton.
the president cant make any decision he wants, congress is the one that can. if the president trys to he can get impeached
their most important decision was making George Washington their commander in chief (president).
The President of the United States during the Bakke decision was Jimmy Carter.
Washington might have been a good decision maker because he had great discipline and tactics.