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The enemy was hard to find in the jungles of South Vietnam. The answer is jungles.

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Ahmad Grant

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The enemy was hard to find in the jungles of South Vietnam. The answer is jungles.

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Q: The enemy was hard to find in the of South Vietnam?
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The enemy was hard to find in the what of South Vietnam?


What was combat like American combat soldiers in Vietnam?

The Vietnam War was one of the worst in American history. Combat in the jungle was difficult, and it was hard to know who exactly was the enemy, since Vietnam had two different sides of the war as well.

What was combat like for American combat soldiers in Vietnam?

it was difficult to know who the enemy was

In Vietnam what happened in 1975?

North won the war.

How does the war that America is in relate to the Vietnam war?

The war America is in currently is similar to the Vietnam war because there is the same tactics being used them by the opponents as there is in current wars. Tactics known as guerrilla warfare where the opponent attacks and then flees making it hard for the Americans to work out who and where the enemy is.

Who is still living from Vietnam war?

As the Vietnam war is fairly recent, ending in the early 70's, veterans of this conflict are not too hard too find, although, they are seniors, and may be difficult to find in 20 years, we should cherish them today.

When the vitnam war start?

There no real start to it, but open fighting between U.S and pro-communist forces started as early as 1954 after U.S gained control of MACG from the french as they withdrew from vietnam, as it was then that american's were given the "weapons Free" 'to win'. HOWEVER, The "People War" to unite North and South didn't start until 1959, where as the first US Task Force didn't arrive in Vietnam on the carrier "Core" until 1961. So...Yea, but i believe U.S Military advisers arrived as part of MACG's to help the french in 1949. Search the web though, its not hard to find, plus my details arnt spot on ;)

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yeah but theyre hard to find

Why were the Vietnam troops hard to identify?

The VC were hard to ID because they were South Vietnamese themselves. They were part of the South Viet population. The NVA were easy to ID, they wore OD (or OG) army fatiques just like GIs, but they wore green pith helmets instead of GI steel helmets. When you hear of "talk" from old timers, or something you read, it's from those early days of the war, when the VC were the main enemy. After 1968, the NVA took over the fight. And they were regular army and easily ID'd.

Why is it still so hard to put Vietnam behind us?

Vietnam was a new kind of war that we were not quite ready for, and alto those brave men did the very best they possibly could have we still could not win. The Vietnam war is not considered to have been won by either side, and there for is the only war to date that the United States has fought in and not won. One of the reasons that it is hard to put it behind us is that the country was deeply divided by the war. Those that favored it and supported sending troops to prevent the communist takeover of South Vietnam find it difficult to forget those that protested against the war. Those that protested find it difficult to forget the politicians and military powers that waged the war. Emotions on both sides ran very deep and that is why people cannot put it behind them. And of course, each time we engage our military somewhere outside our own borders, all the issues of Vietnam come again into the forefront of those people who lived through it.

Why were napalm bombs used in the Vietnam?

Burns the enemy out of hard to dislodge positions (such as bunkers). Flame throwers (naplam type weapons) were also used against the Germans & Japanese during WWII. And, Germans/Japanese/and the North Vietnamese Army also deployed flame throwing weapons against the allies during WWII and Vietnam.

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