Britain took place in the D-Day invasion, also known as the bloodiest invasion in the history of warfare.
any place people lived was a home front
The revolutionary war was considered a civil war with Britain, because most of the colonists were from Britain and still considered themselves Brits.
As the name "World War" might imply, it took place across the world - one land, principally in Europe and Africa, and on many of the world's oceans.
By Nazi Germany invading Poland, and Britain's ally, France joining Britain in declaring war against Germany, which in turn led Japan to declare war against Britain and France, which then escalated the war from a pan European to Global (eventually).
The war of the roses took place in medieval britain, and the last battle was a Bosworth Field.
India was involved in war with Britain for independence. The first war of independence took place in 1857. India was involved in other wars with Britain afterwards.
in the sky. it was an sky war! WWII
Britain thought so much of World War I that they call it "The Great War". And there has not been a better war since. But since the great war was really a war about nothing, it really was a shabby endeavor.
it didn't
battle of britain
The war of the roses took place in medieval britain, and the last battle was a Bosworth Field.
Britain was a much different place in 1945. It was just recovering from being a war torn country. It was in the process of cleaning up after the second World War II. Crime was up and it was a much dirtier place.
Well, Britain had a well trained and supplied army in the revolution.
because they feel that britain is a better place to be and that because the british saw potential in them they feel they want to live in britain
Yes. It took place in the summer of 1940.