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any place people lived was a home front

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Q: Why was Britain called home front in world war 2?
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What was the US mainland during World War 2 called?

The Home Front.

What is the british home front?

What happened in Britain during WW1, instead of on the battlefields.

What would a twenty dollar be called in Britain?

Britain is the home of the English language. Twenty Dollars would be called Twenty Dollars.

How did citizens back on the home front contribute to the world war 2?

women were making army tanks and guns and sending them to the soldiers to help them win and they were making food and sending it over and making new technologys to help the war

What was the allied front called?

Hitlers holiday home

When did the World War 2 evacuees come home?

After the battle Britain :)

Did women fight in world war 1?

No. They stayed at home helping on the home front.

What was the significance of the German home front to the outcome of World War 2?

it was impotant becoase the home front was just as impotant as anything els

What was the home front during the war?

The Home Guard was a defence organisation comprising of personnel who were not eligble for military service. Their role was to guard mainland Britain in case of invasion.

Where can you find information about rationing on the home front during World War 2?

The local library has some wonderful books available: V is for Victory--The American Home Front during World War II by: Sylvia Whitman The Home Front During World War II--In American History by: R. Conrad Stein

What was the home front like for women in World War 1?


How was the home front organized during the world war 1?

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