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No, there is a long history of persecution of the Jews, for example by the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages and later. However, Hitler was the first to try to kill all Jews.

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Q: Was Hitler the first one to openly persecute the Jewish people?
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What were the first actions Hitler took to persecute the Jewish people?

He banned them from certain jobs.

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No. The nuremberg trials were held after the war, when several of the officers were take to court for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

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The Jewish people hated Adolf Hitler for killing all JEWISH

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Hitler's persecution of the Jews led to the murder of millions of innocent people.

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Hitler's attempted genocide of the Jewish people was the Holocaust.

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Hitler was the persecutor and the Jewish People were the persecuted.

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Hitler is one of the most evil people in history, so I would go with Jewish.

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If the majority of Germans had been openly opposed to Hitler, his Nazi party might not have received the largest vote by the German people in the 1933 elections.

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Adolf Hitler and Jewish people