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The news of the persecution and destruction of European Jewry must be divided into two periods. The measures taken by the Nazis prior to the "Final Solution" were all taken publicly and were, therefore, in all the newspapers. Foreign correspondents reported on all major anti-Jewish actions taken by the Nazis in Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia prior to World War II. Once the war began, obtaining information became more difficult, but, nonetheless, reports were published regarding the fate of the Jews.

The "Final Solution" was not openly publicized by the Nazis, and thus it took longer for information to reach the "Free World." Nevertheless, by December 1942, news of the mass murders and the plan to annihilate European Jewry was publicized in the Jewish press.

The response of the Jews in the "Free World" must also be divided into two periods, before and after the publication of information on the "Final Solution." Efforts during the early years of the Nazi regime concentrated on facilitating emigration from Germany (although there were those who initially opposed emigration as a solution) and combatting German antisemitism. Unfortunately, the views on how to best achieve these goals differed and effective action was often hampered by the lack of internal unity. Moreover, very few Jewish leaders actually realized the scope of the danger. Following the publication of the news of the "Final Solution," attempts were made to launch rescue attempts via neutral states and to send aid to Jews under Nazi rule. These attempts, which were far from adequate, were further hampered by the lack of assistance and obstruction from government channels. Additional attempts to achieve internal unity during this period failed.

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Q: Were Jews in the Free World aware of the persecution and destruction of European Jewry and if so what was their response?
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What was Hitlers final stage of the final solution?

The final stage of the Final Solution consisted of gassing, shootings, killing two-thirds of European Jewry.-----There's some confusion in the question. The Final Solution was the final stage of Nazi persecution of the Jews. See related question below.

What was the initial response of the United States to the german campaign against european jews?

The United States was initially reluctant to get involved in the German campaign against European Jews. Despite the urging of the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe led by Peter Bergson, the government refused to intervene early in the conflict.

What origin is the final solution?

The origin of the "Final Solution," the Nazi plan to exterminate the Jewish people, remains uncertain. What is clear is that the genocide of the Jews was the culmination of a decade of Nazi policy, under the rule of Adolf Hitler. The "Final Solution" was implemented in stages. After the Nazi party rise to power, state-enforced racism resulted in anti-Jewish legislation, boycotts, "Aryanization," and finally the "Night of Broken Glass" pogrom, all of which aimed to remove the Jews from German society. After the beginning of World War II, anti-Jewish policy evolved into a comprehensive plan to concentrate and eventually annihilate European Jewry.

How successful was the final solution?

If one judges it solely by how close the Nazi's Final Solution came to exterminating Jewry, then it came frighteningly close to completion. Worldwide, the Holocaust killed about 35% of all Jews that were alive in 1939 (6 out of 16.5 million). In terms of European & Russian Jews, it killed close to 70% (6 out of 9 million), with over 99% of Polish Jews being murdered (almost all 3 million). In brutal terms, the Final Solution was extremely effective - killing 6 million Jews (plus about another 6 million non-Jews) via death squads and gas chambers in a period of about 4 years speaks of the incredible amount of organization and effort that the Nazi's dedicated to this horrific purpose. However, I would never use the word "successful" in conjunction with the Holocaust, for obvious reasons.

How many Jews were killed in World War 2?

Estimates of the Jewish Holocaust toll range from 5 million to 6 million, including 1 and a half million children.over 6 million Jews wre killed in ww2. Keep in mind that not all of these deaths were executions (firing squads, gas chambers, hanging, etc.). Many died of starvation and disease especially near the end of the war when Germany was being bombed to rubble and any trucks or trains seen moving on the roads would be shot up by American fighter planes.About 2/3 of European Jewry were killed in the Holocaust, meaning that some 3 million European Jews survived.

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S. Levenburg has written: 'European Jewry today'

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St Lawrence Jewry was created in 1687.

What was Hitlers final stage of the final solution?

The final stage of the Final Solution consisted of gassing, shootings, killing two-thirds of European Jewry.-----There's some confusion in the question. The Final Solution was the final stage of Nazi persecution of the Jews. See related question below.

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What role did antisemitism play in Germany during World War 2?

It resulted in the destruction of almost all of European Jewry. Possibly 6,000,000 of whom were murdered in extermination camps, shot in the streets of their home cities, gassed by the thousand in mobile vans, and died of starvation in Ghettos into which they were herded prior to them being sent for gassing and burning, largely in Poland in specially provided murder camps such as Auschwich, Treblinka, Majdanek etc etc etc.

How did Hitler move from discriminatory mesures such as laws to ouyright elimintion of the Jews?

Hitler's response was a typically rambling review of the war blaming everyone but himself. He saw the German situation in apocalyptic terms. There had been a hardening of attitudes towards the Jews ever since the United States had openly lined up with Britain. The recent Wannsee Conference had merely confirmed the arrangements that were in place for organized mass murder. Now he made clear to the world that his promise, made before the war, to 'annihilate European Jews' had not been an idle threat: It is clear to us that the war can only end with the destruction of the Germanic peoples or the disappearance of Jewry from Europe. On September 3, I already announced in the German Reichstag (and I am careful not to make rash prophecies) that this war would not develop as the Jews imagine, namely that the European-Aryan peoples will be destroyed. Instead, the result of this war will be the destruction of Jewry. For the first time others will not bleed alone. For the first time the genuine old Jewish law will be applied: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!" And the more this war spreads, the more anti-Semitism will spread. This may be said to world Jewry. Anti-Semitism will be nourished in every prison camp, in every family which must be informed why they must sacrifice to the bitter end. And the hour will come when the most evil world enemy of all times will have played out its role for perhaps a thousand years at least. -January 31, 1942 - New York Times Headlines-

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What does Jewry mean?

Jew·ryn.1. The Jewish people.2. A section of a medieval city inhabited by Jews; a ghetto.Source: