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Q: Were prisoners conscripted in World War 1?
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Were people tortured during World War 1?

Some people were indeed tortured during World War 1. These people were typically prisoners of war that were held captive for ransom and incentives.

What is a good intro sentence for an essay that is about stating what the differences are between WW1 and World War 2 conscription?

Another person asked about this homework assignment. I gave that person these ideas and I will give you some more.Here are some ideas for you:Conscription: To draft or not to draft?Are the enlisted men better at fighting than the drafted servicemen? (True answer is no.)Could they have won both wars with out the drafted men? (true answer is no.)Why was the draft discontinued?Is conscription conducted fairly?Who gets conscripted and who does not and why?Were the drafted men of World War 1 certain on why they were fighting? Were the drafted men of World War 2 certain on why the were fighting?Here are some introduction sentences for you based on the questions above:The controversy of drafting men into World Wars 1 and 2 consisted of .................The men who were conscripted into both wars fought vastly different types of wars.....The World Wars 1 and 2 could not have been won without the conscription of millions of men to fight in those wars.The men conscripted to fight in both World Wars 1 and 2 were valiant and strong fighters just as those who enlisted to fight in those wars.Both World War 2 and 1 had drafted and enlisted men who suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. The drafted men suffered ...................

The military out come of World War I was decided by what reasons?

where is world war 1 come from?how many years a go in world war 1?what is world war 1?how many people dead in world war 1?who is win in world war 1?how many people live in world war 1?when the world war 1 start?how many helicopter they use?when thwe world war fished?

Where were the Australian prisoners of war held?

There are many names for a place where prisoners are held: bastille, brig, detention camp, dungeon, jail, jailhouse, lockup, pen, penal institution, penitentiary, pound, prison, reformatory, stockade

How did you get in world war 1?

I wasn't in the world war 1

Related questions

How many Australians were taken prisoner in World War 1?

3647 were taken as prisoners of war.

How did japan treat its prisoners of war during World War 1?

They treated them very well

Were people tortured during World War 1?

Some people were indeed tortured during World War 1. These people were typically prisoners of war that were held captive for ransom and incentives.

Why did Adolf Hitler take Jews as prisoners in World War 2?

he blamed them for the reason Germany lost world war 1 and Germany's economic

Why did women have to take over doing lots of different jobs in the World War 1?

Because of the huge number of males that had been conscripted to fight in the war. This meant that traditional male jobs had to be done by females.

Why did womenvdo mens jobs during world war 1 and world war 2?

The majority of men were conscripted into the armed forces, and were away fighting. Therefore, women had to take over many traditional male jobs to keep the country able to 'carry on.'

What did prisoners of war eat in the German prisons during World War 1?

They were starved and worked to death. If they got anything it was a crust of bread and watery soup.

What are the result of World War 1?

Some of the results of World War 1 include the formation of the league of nations (now United Nations) and stronger internal resolves from different countries to mind affairs within their borders. There were new laws and agreements regarding warfare and the handling of prisoners of war.

What are the release dates for Baa Baa Black Sheep - 1976 Prisoners of War 1-4?

Baa Baa Black Sheep - 1976 Prisoners of War 1-4 was released on: USA: 12 October 1976

How many died in the axis in World War I?

millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1

What is a good intro sentence for an essay that is about stating what the differences are between WW1 and World War 2 conscription?

Another person asked about this homework assignment. I gave that person these ideas and I will give you some more.Here are some ideas for you:Conscription: To draft or not to draft?Are the enlisted men better at fighting than the drafted servicemen? (True answer is no.)Could they have won both wars with out the drafted men? (true answer is no.)Why was the draft discontinued?Is conscription conducted fairly?Who gets conscripted and who does not and why?Were the drafted men of World War 1 certain on why they were fighting? Were the drafted men of World War 2 certain on why the were fighting?Here are some introduction sentences for you based on the questions above:The controversy of drafting men into World Wars 1 and 2 consisted of .................The men who were conscripted into both wars fought vastly different types of wars.....The World Wars 1 and 2 could not have been won without the conscription of millions of men to fight in those wars.The men conscripted to fight in both World Wars 1 and 2 were valiant and strong fighters just as those who enlisted to fight in those wars.Both World War 2 and 1 had drafted and enlisted men who suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. The drafted men suffered ...................

What was the population in Japan before and after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

-----------------------Hiroshima Nagasaki Pre-raid population 255,000 195,000 Dead------------------- 66,000 39,000 Injured ----------------69,000 25,000 Total Casualties----- 135,000 64,000