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Q: Were the fireworks in the 1700's?
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What is gunpowder good for?

Black powder is utilized to fire shots and to explode different explosives. It can likewise be utilized for flagging. It is additionally utilized in firecrackers to deliver vivid smoke and in some smoke machines to create bubbles and as an incense substitute

What are the names of some companies in Florida where one can buy fireworks from?

Some of the companies that sell fireworks in Florida include Phantom Fireworks, Galaxy Fireworks, Sky King Fireworks, TNT Fireworks and Four Seasons Fireworks.

What period in time was the 1700s?


What do Americans call fireworks?

Americans commonly refer to fireworks simply as "fireworks."

What do stars do in fireworks?

make fireworks

Are fireworks a gas?

Fireworks are not gases.

How do you say fireworks in spanish?

Fireworks in Spanish is "fuegos artificiales."

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What happened in the 1700s in America?

what happened in the 1700s

Was there school in the 1700s?

Yes, there were schools in the 1700s

Does Russia do fireworks?

Yes,Russia does fireworks.

How does smoke come out of fireworks?

Smoke comes out of fireworks from the burned powders or chemicals within the fireworks.