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Q: Were there any resistance efforts in holomodor?
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Ideal resistance of a Amp Meter?

if any thing is ideal then that has no any resistance

How do you calculate contact resistance?

Resistance is resistance , no matter if it is contact resistance or any other resistance. And formula is R = V / I.

Was their any resistance at Auschwitz?

Remarkably, there were instances of individual resistance and collective efforts at fighting back inside Auschwitz. Poles, Communists and other national groups established networks in the main camp. A few Jews escaped from Birkenau, and there were recorded assaults on Nazi guards even at the entrance to the gas chambers. The 'Sonderkommando' revolt in October 1944 was the extraordinary example of physical resistance.

How were the Seminole and the Sauk resistance efforts similar and different?

The Seminole starts with a s and Saul starts with a s

How can you make the resistance higher in a circuit?

A: practically any series resistance will do that

What is the resistance of wood?

If you are referring to electrical resistance, almost any wood is an insulator.