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Q: What Cold War happened in 1950-1953?
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Did Cold War occur After Vietman War?

No the Cold War was the reason why the Vietnam War happened.

Why it happened and the Vietnam war?

Part of the cold war.

Korean War was considered to be a cold war event because?

The Korean war was the first hot war in the cold war.

Explain why the Vietnam war happened?

Part of the cold war.

What Had Happened In The Vietnam War?

Vietnam was part of the cold war.

What Cold War happened in 1965-1975?

Vietnam War

When did Cold War - video game - happen?

Cold War - video game - happened in 2005.

What might have happened if the Soviets had a nuclear war with us during the cold war?

then the war would have ceased to be cold.

What Happened Before the Cold War?

The Cold War began after the Second World War ended in Germany and Japan's defeat.

How did the Cold War impact World War 2?

The Cold War did not impact WW2 at all, because it happened later.

How many us soldiers die in the cold war?

None, Soldiers weren't sent to the cold war it was called the cold war because it was the war that never happened.

What Cold War happened in 1979-1989?

Soviet/Afghanistan War