Aerial bombing, first of airfields, then of cities and industry.
There are many people who trick other people into joining the army for the purpose of creating a strong military. This is often a very bad tactic.
Blitzkrieg or lightning war was the German invasion tactic of WWII. It involved a sudden attack on all fronts including bombing and strafing by the Luftwaffe or German Air Force. The tactics were very successful.
The "reach-around" - it was a powerful and explosive tactic.
MacArthur used the tactic of a flank attack at Inchon Korea.
Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg
scaling the walls with ladders
Blitzkrieg is German for lightning war. That is what tactic Hitler used when invading Poland.
Their main tactic was Blitzkreig.
Heinz Guderian was a German general during World War II, known for his innovative military tactics and strategies in armored warfare. He is considered one of the pioneers of modern tank warfare and was instrumental in developing the German Blitzkrieg tactics.
(German: "lightning war")**Military tactic used by Germany in World War IIIt is designed to create psychological shock and resultant disorganization in enemy forces through the use of surprise, speed, and superiority in matériel or firepower.