The United States.
In World War I Australia fought with other countries but in World War II they were not part of the Allied Forces that conquered the Axis Forces.
The Soviet Union was the largest country of the Allied forces in WWII. Today the largest country in the world is the Russian Federation, the leader of the former Soviet Union. However there are no more allied countries as they split into the American - NATO-OTAN alliance and Russian - Chinesse aliance, the former fighting for Globalism and Separatism and the latter for International Rights and Integrity.
allied forces arrived at the camps and freed the prisoners
allied forces is like an people where juty for our country . commander is caulin
The only elephant in the Berlin zoo.
Allied bombs pretty well destroyed the major cities of Germany and the allied forces were advancing on Berlin. Hitler was in hiding in his Berlin bunker and the Nazi were loosing ground as the allies moved up through France into Italy and into Germany. They were loosing the war.
He committed suicide. Hitler was dead. He had killed himself. He could do nothing about the Russians searching for his body. The Allied Forces could do nothing, because they were not in Berlin yet, so the Allied Forces were never able to search for his body either. They did however conduct an investigation into the matter.
The United States.
In 1945, when the Allied forces (from the waest) and the Soviet Red Army (from the east) were advancing towards Berlin.
The Allied forces which landed on the Normandy beaches did not actually fight in the capture of Berlin, which was a Russian battle. After landing on the European mainland the drive to Berlin took less than a year.
The USSR demanded the withdrawal of all allies military forces in East Germany. The Berlin Wall went up dividing Berlin and blocking shipping from West Germany into Berlin. The allied airlifted food and medical supplies to West Berlin.