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The south did not succeed from the union. It SECEDED from the union. Spelling counts, unless you are illiterate.

He spelt it right you dumb f*@k. Don't correct peopples spelling if you cant spell yourself. Wow, you have to be the biggest jacka$$ in the world.

Actually Secession is spelt...well...secession.

But anyway, they seceded from the union for many reasons.

Note there was a lot of tension between the North and the South.

Alan~Farmer's book "THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: CAUSES, COURSE AND CONSEQUENCES, 1803-77 fourth edition" is a really good and helpful book, trust me.

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11y ago

Because Lincoln had won the 1860 election on a ticket of no new slave-states. So the South was doomed to be outvoted in Congress, which would always pass laws that favoured the North over the South.

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11y ago

They wanted success because they wanted to keep the rights to slaves and the north was going to free all of the slaves.

It was about slaves but not at the beginning. The south was feeling poorly treated by the United States because of all the tariffs and taxes being taken from them and being used in the north. What the South wanted was similar to what the 13 colonies wanted from England...freedom

to govern themselves from a country that was different from themselves.

there were many in the North that agreed that the country was too big (its size was bigger than most of Europe already). The slave debate helped bring more people to the side of the North.

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