there isn't really a name for them, they are like any state but they have slavery. you could call them southern slave states or slave states, or southern states...... there is no definition for slave states that didnt secede proir to the civil war
The slave states in between the Union (North) and the Confederates (South). The slave states are: Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia (joins later).
Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware and Maryland were border states that remained in the union but still allowed slavery. The state legislatures of Kentucky, Delaware and Maryland voted to remain. Missouri voted to leave the union but union troops stormed the state capital and installed a pro union government to insure they remained with the union. Prior to the Emancipation Proclamation captured slaves were returned to their masters in Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware and Maryland and in fact there are records of the Union Army conducting slave auctions in the border states.
There were four border-states - slave-states that stayed loyal. They were Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware. A fifth was the newly-formed state of West Virginia in 1863. It is also possible to classify the District of Columbia as a border-state, as slavery was still legal there in the first months of the war.
The border states that wished to remain neutral during the Civil War were places that both sides could obtain goods from. Sometimes, there was conflict but most of the time the soldiers got what they needed and left.
The "Border States" were slave states.
None of the Border States seceded even though they were slave states.
Slave states. Some border states made attempts to secede, but for one reason or another, failed to do so.
Border states or Buffer states.
border states
The Border States. These were the slave-states that had voted to stay loyal. Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, Delaware.
The border between slave states and free states
there isn't really a name for them, they are like any state but they have slavery. you could call them southern slave states or slave states, or southern states...... there is no definition for slave states that didnt secede proir to the civil war
The border states during the Civil War were Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri. They remained part of the United States but were also slave states.
Weat Virginia Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky were five slave states that did not secede the Union, and the were were called border states.
Some in the United States. California, Oregon, and Nevada were.
The five slave states that did not secede from the U.S. were called "border states." These states are West Virginia, Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware.