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Q: What are two adjectives to describe British redcoats?
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Which countries have not fought the British?

There were twenty-two countries that never fought the British. Some of the names of the countries that did not fight the British are Honduras, Iran, Iraq, and Ireland.

What key words describe Hitler?

The two words that describe him are: Criminal and evil.

What does the saying 'one if by land two if by sea' mean?

It was a signal agreement. If the British army were coming by land, there would be one lantern showing. If the British army were coming by ship (sea), there would be two lanterns showing.

What happened as British soldiers hurriedly march back to Boston while being attacked by colonial militia men?

British General Gage learned that the colonists had stored supplies and ammunition at Concord, MA, some 20 miles from Boston. On 19 April 1775, he sent 700 of his troops to seize the munitions and, if possible, capture and arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Gage had received information that those two “rebels” were hiding out in Concord. Warning the Americans that the British were marching to Concord were the trio Revere, Dawes, and Prescott, of the famous “Midnight Ride.” When British Major John Pitcairn arrived at Lexington, which was on the way to Concord, he found 70 American minutemen (actually, they were almost all farmers) in battle formation at the town square. Pitcairn ordered the Americans to disperse but when they didn’t move after the second order to do so, someone fired a shot. It is not known if the shot was fired by Americans or British. The British easily cleared Lexington and marched on to Concord. He found more Americans arming the bridge into the town so Pitcairn order the British to return to Boston. All the way back to Boston, the Americans sniped at the British from behind trees and rocks, inflicting serious injury to the British troops. When the Redcoats reached Boston, 250 had been killed or wounded.

Which two groups were fighting in the bennington battle?

the british and the Americans fought in the battle of benngton

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Adjectives describe nouns other word don't describe adjectives. So there are no adjectives being described in the sentence but two, sales and green are adjectives.They describe the people and the bike.

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Nope. These were two names for the British army. One was to refer to them (redcoats), the other was sort of a taunting nickname (lobsterbacks).

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Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns.

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Nouns do not describe; nouns are persons, places, things, or ideas. Adjectives are words that describe a noun.Adjectives that might describe the noun hate:MaddeningFrustratingdestructiveupsettingvengefulignorant

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Adjectives can describe nouns and pronoun.

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