It wiped out German power in North Africa
It wiped out German power in North Africa
It wiped out German power in North Africa
It removed all Italian and German Forces from North Africa.
The Battle of El Alemein when the British Eighth Army, led by Montgomery, forced the German Afrika Corps, led by Rommel, to withdraw. This battle was the turning point of the North Africa Campaign.
The First Battle of El Alamein .
It eliminated German military power in North Africa
North Africa in the early 40's
It wiped out German power in North Africa
It wiped out German power in North Africa
El Alamein
It wiped out German power in North Africa
It removed all Italian and German Forces from North Africa.
The two titans who clashed in North Africa were German Field Marshall Erwin Rommel and British General Bernard Montgomery.
The question can not be answered. There was no battle and no defeat in North Africa in 1944. The Germans were defeated in Tunisia in 1943. Also the question is not specific as to Which troops? US or German? Troops in North Africa or those in England??
The Battle of El Alamein was fought in the deserts of North Africa and is considered one of the decisive victories of World War Two. This battle was fought between British General Montgomery and the German's General Rommel. The Allied victory at El Alamein led to the retreat of Hitler's Afrika Korps and the German surrender in North Africa in May 1943.