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It started when ............................................ was assasinated

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Q: What caused world war 1 yahoo?
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What caused the world war to happen?

World War 1 was caused by two terrorists. World War 2 was caused by some Fanatics.

Did ww1start with Adolf Hitler?

No, world war 1 was not caused by Hitler. he was just a soldier fighting in world war 1 but Hitler DEFENITLY caused world war 2.

What caused consumer pricess to rise after world war 1?

Mobilization decisions was what caused consumer prices to rise after world war 1.

What war caused Britain to increase taxes during World War I?

World War 1

What caused the shortage of workers during World War I?

because of world war 1

What damages were caused by World War 1?

what is another name for war damages?

What caused the outbreak World War 1 and World War 2?

WW1 Imperialism WW2 Fascism

What causes war world 1?

what caused world war1 is the great depression

What 2 conflicts were named world wars?

World War 1 and World War 2. World War 1 was caused due to assination World War 2 was caused due to Invasion of Poland, Allies not stopping germany from blackmailing countries and breaching the agreements of the treaty of Versailles.

What happen in World War1?

world war 1 was officially known as "the great war", it caused much rivalry between countries and it caused heaps of racism. world war 1 was officially known as "the great war", it caused much rivalry between countries and it caused heaps of racism.

Is there a connection between World War 2 and World War I?

yes world war 2 was caused because of the treaty of Versailles which is what ended world war 1

Did Hitler cause World War 1 and World War 2?

You can say Hitler caused WW2, but not WW1.