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David Lloyd-George was PM in the Liberal Party during & post WW1 in UK.

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Q: What country did David Lloyd George rule?
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What did David Lloyd George in World War 1?

David Lloyd George was the British Prime Minister by the end of World War One. He was amongst the Allied powers present and the Peace conference in Versailles. During the war Lloyd George placed all of Great Britain under the Defence of the Realm Act otherwise known as the DORA. This resulted in almost Dictorial rule wherein the govenment could execute control as it willed in order to aid in the war effort. War restrictions as a result of the act included conscription and food rationing. David Lloyd's objective during the peace conference at Versailles was to 'make German's pay' according to his election campaign. However other say that Lloyd, like his American counterpart President Woodrow Wilson, was an idealist and wanted to create peaceful relations with Germany and end the war.

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King George VI ruled the United Kingdom.

Who were the leaders of Great Britain during World War 1?

Herbert Henry Asquith until 1916 and then David Lloyd George. Herbert Henry Asquith until 1916 and then David Lloyd George.Above retrieved from Supervisor USCitizen -

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The cast of The Golden Rule - 1912 includes: Florence Barker as Alice Holmes David Wall as George Mortimer

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yes George Washington wanted to see the country he loved to be free of British rule

What does it mean to rule a country?

To rule a country means to be the topmost decision-maker in a country.

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The people rule the country as the government is because of people.

What British political party supported home rule for Ireland?

Liberals, firstly under Gladstone from his 'conversion' in 1886. Conservatives opposed it forcefully when they came into power in the 70s with their 'Killing Home Rule with Kindness' approach. Finally, not a Home Rule but a dominion status was granted to two distinct parts of Ireland by the Coalition government (led by Lloyd George) under the Anglo-Irish Treaty 1921.

Why after two failed attempts was the third Home Rule Bill a success?

Simply, because the Parliament Act. When the ouse of Lords rejected Lloyd George's budget the Parliament act was enforced removing the Lords power to veto. They were the ones that had opposed the Home Rule in the past as the Liberals could pass things in the commons due to superior numbers. Now Home Rule was just a matter of time.

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I think it was David.

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That varies from country to country