Anschluss Sitzkrieg Guadalcanal D-Day
September 1939 to April 1940
Sitzkrieg is a German term for what the English would call "the phoney war". It refers to the time between the invasion of Poland and the invasion of Denmark and Norway, when very little combat occured, even though Germany was at war with the allies. The french attempted some small actions into Germany, but nothing decisive. In September, with most of her forces occupied in Poland, Germany would have a very exposed western front. Therefore, the allies would have a great opportunity to launch an offensive then and end the war early. But they didn't. I suppose you could make a case of low readiness and defensive posture.
The story of the Sitzkreig or rather the Phony war is strange. The Brits and French had delcared war on Germany yet they did nothing to help Poland who had their country invaded, even after the Brits and French said they would help them. It was a long period of inactivity until the period of September 1, 1939 to the beginning of May 1940 ended. The Germans chose to go into France, Belgium, The Netherlands and Denmark and I think Luxembourg. This escalated the war from that point on. See link below I included for your interest.
Germany was very much an autocracy during World War 2.
The other two names for the "Sitzkrieg" (a nickname given by German soldiers during the lull in fighting) are "the Sitting-Down War (translated literally from German) and the Phony War.
"Sitting war"; mocking name for the fact that after France and Britain declared war on Germany, nothing happened for weeks
Anschluss Sitzkrieg Guadalcanal D-Day
The nickname for German soldier in WW I was "Kraut" (cabbage)
September 1939 to April 1940
the phony war was in England but it was the Germans that caused it.
Sitzkrieg (the opposite of blitzkrieg) was displayed in World War One in the trenches when neither side gained very much ground. Also shown at the battle of Stalingrad.
The period from Sept. 1, 1939 (Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland) to May 1940 (Start of the Battle of Britain and the overrunning of the Low Countries and France) was called the Sitzkrieg ("Phony War").
Sitzkrieg is a German term for what the English would call "the phoney war". It refers to the time between the invasion of Poland and the invasion of Denmark and Norway, when very little combat occured, even though Germany was at war with the allies. The french attempted some small actions into Germany, but nothing decisive. In September, with most of her forces occupied in Poland, Germany would have a very exposed western front. Therefore, the allies would have a great opportunity to launch an offensive then and end the war early. But they didn't. I suppose you could make a case of low readiness and defensive posture.
The story of the Sitzkreig or rather the Phony war is strange. The Brits and French had delcared war on Germany yet they did nothing to help Poland who had their country invaded, even after the Brits and French said they would help them. It was a long period of inactivity until the period of September 1, 1939 to the beginning of May 1940 ended. The Germans chose to go into France, Belgium, The Netherlands and Denmark and I think Luxembourg. This escalated the war from that point on. See link below I included for your interest.