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Well, before second World War, many Germans were very poor, due to World War 1. Hitler invented many logical, good things in Germany. He also gave the Germans their proudness (haha new word) of Germany back, which they eventually lost again, which hasn't come back so far. Many people looked up to him, and believed him, when he told everybody stuff like the need of a second war. A lot of people started to stop think themselves and thought of him as their hero. Others didn't like him, but understood they could not easily survive, without worshipping him. Today, most of the Germans are ashamed, and extremely sensitive about anything reminding them of solidarity to their land. This is only now coming back, with sport teams and that stuff

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Hitler thought of Germans as the best race there was the best out there and he thought no one could stop them as he believed that they would one day rule. these are why Germans were classed by Hitler as "the Superior race"

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