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to fight until he wore out the confederate army

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Q: What did grant order sherman to do?
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When did Ulysses Sherman Grant die?

Ulysses Sherman Grant died in 1932.

When was Ulysses Sherman Grant born?

Ulysses Sherman Grant was born in 1867.

Did Union generals US Grant and William T Sherman always agree in the US Civil War?

For a major part of the US Civil War, General Sherman reported to General US Grant. They did not always agree on tactics. For example, Sherman thought it was foolish of Grant to order him to dig a canal to change the course of the Mississippi River in order to capture Vicksburg. Also, Sherman believed that Grant was over worried about news reporters in their camps.

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What did William Sherman do after the civil war?

Became General-in-Chief of the U.S. Army when Grant retired in order to become President.

Why did US General Sherman believe that General US Grant was a victim of public opinion at Vicksburg?

General Sherman wrote about his reasons of concern for his friend US Grant at the Siege of Vicksburg. Sherman believed that Grant was working and hampered by Northern public opinion. So much so that Sherman feared Grant would abandon the effort to capture Vicksburg.

What was Sherman's scorched earth policy and why did grant order him to use it?

Everything was burned from Atlanta to the sea in order to keep the Confederates from having access to foodstuffs and shelter.

Why did grant appoint Sherman?

Because Sherman had proved himself a competent General who had given good service to Grant. They were also good friends. In his memoirs, Sherman said "He stood by me when I was mad. And I stood by him when he was drunk."

Why did Sherman grant want to wage total war?

To change the course of the war. Grant and Sherman both believed that it was the strength of the people's will that was keeping the war going.

Why was a military partnership of grant and sherman so important to outcome of Civil war?

Sherman carried credibility with Grant, tested under fire, and was a trusted friend.

Who were the generals of the north in the civil war?

Grant and Sherman

Who took over for Grant in the West?

William Sherman