American Post-war History
After the exhausting and decisive defeat of Nazi Germany and other Axis powers, American society was on the route to facing major change. Post-war America shaped various transformations in economic expansion and industrial capacities. As Europe underwent tremendous reparations on its collapsedi industry sectors and crippling economies, America was the prominent world-leader in its own industrial output and national growth of wealth and distribtuion. President Truman sought great advantages and prominent advances in science and technology; medicines, beginning of television, new fashions and the glorious era of television and music. The social side of life in America was experiencing rapid additions to city infrastructure and businesses which helped to make America an increasingly exciting place to live for the population. A new Bill was ratified allowing greater numbers of people to receive higher-education degrees, which followed through to a higher educated workforce (white collars) and extremely high paid income; a man with a high school degree was entitled to owning a house, two motor cars and able to raise children. The economic expansion, known as the economic boom and baby boom era, could not have been more plesant for a huge proportion of the Americans.
War verterans returning from the various Fronts were greeted with economic wealth and comfortable lifestyles. Veterans were able to return to the factories or in agriculture, while their wives were complacent to finish work and nurture her children. The term "baby-boom" explains the sky-rocketing number of child births that were delivered in two years, rapidly expanding America's population. From the primary post-war years of WWII, America's population had been of approximately 141,000,000 which had changed to 150,000,000 by the 1950s. Mothers were allowed to settle and have a family, especially since the common wife or woman was deterred during the War. This outcome had not have come at a more convenient time for the stable growth of America's communities. Industrial development led the high standards of America's strong workforce, which later introduced trading relationships between other countries. Commercial growth was another prominent sector that gave families the opportunity to "spend" their financial reserves, preserved over the wartime era. Motor cars, televisions (black to colour), radio and musicals were common values of American entertainment, again, another successful attribute that spread in influence across the world. People returned to urban areas, establishing high-tech or business based companies that soon grew to expand internationaly. The dense cities and infrastructure became the 'way of life' and can today be recognised in American history. Unemployment was not an issue which benefited most people who experienced the traits of 1930s depression. Confidence was well restored in each state and hope for a striving future was soon to be understood.
World War Veterans was created in 1919.
World War 1 veterans
World War I veterans
There are currently 1,320 surviving veterans who fought during World War II. World War II was fought from 1939-1945. There are veterans from Germany, the United States, France, the UK, and Australia, the Philippines, and other countries.
after world war 1 the president decsided to change armistice day to veterans day the end
World War Veterans was created in 1919.
Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America was created in 1896.
War Veterans
Veterans day you jacka**
World War 1 veterans
Contact the VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America), VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars), or the AMVETs (American Veterans).
According to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, there were approximately 2,889,000 WWII veterans alive in the USA on September 30th, 2011.
to honor all our fallin veterans ,who have served in the war and gave there lives for america.
World War 1 but now honors all war veterans happy veteran's day Macy911
World War I veterans