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The United States entered World War 1 because a German U-boat sank the Lusitania off the coast of Great Britain. There were some 128 American citizens killed. Many American ships had been sunk before this, but President Woodrow Wilson really didn't want to go to war with Europe. The Lusitania was sunk in 1915, a year into World War 1, and Wilson was reelected on a peace platform in 1916.

Public opinion had already turned against Germany in 1917 when the British released an intercepted diplomatic message, the Zimmerman Telegram, that showed Germany trying to incite Mexico into war with the US.

By this time, the American people finally had enough with the Germans sinking American cargo ships on their way to Britain with supplies for the war. Congress declared war on the Central Powers on April 6, 1917.

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10y ago
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13y ago

America's economic ties with the Allies were far stronger than those with Central Powers. On April 2,1917, President Wilson asked Congress to declare was on Germany. The United States entered the war on the side of the Allies

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13y ago

Germany wants to weaken the power of Britain as they could not defeat them. So she set up unrestricted submarine warfare. Germany sank all the ships which were going to Britain. One of the ship Lusitania were sank too. Many Amercian passingers were also died in this accident. Therefore, US joined the war.


The US originaly did not want to enter the war & remained nuetral,it secretly kept Britan on side by loaning them some weapons, but its suspected the reason the US did this was because at the time Britain had the British Empire & ruled most of the world,so by keeping the Brits sweet if they won they would gain for their own country (trade e.t.c). But there were times the US showed signs that it was keeping a very close eye on who it thought would win the War & would then join the winning team as soon as they were almost victorious,but it didnt work out that way as Japan attacked the US in a suprise attack (Pearl harbour) so then the US joined in & did not realy have a choice of wich team it wanted to join it was just pure luck that they ended up on the winning team.

So basicaly the US joined because they got bombed by Japan,but "realy" the US was only out for themselves.

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14y ago
  1. Unrestricted submarine warfare
  2. American Propaganda
  3. U.S. business interests
  4. The Zimmerman note

Also the assasination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdanan

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13y ago

Sinking of the Lusitania luxery liner off the Irish coast.

Use of submarines, German Subs were to give the ship a warning to allow people off it before they sunk it, this changed during the war. the subs would fire on the ships without giving warnings, suchh was the fate of the Lusitania.

German's pack with Mexico for Mexico to invade the US.

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14y ago

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, Sinking of the Lusitiana, the Zimmerman Telegram, and Political ties to Interviews.

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13y ago

the Zimmerman telegram and the sinking of the passenger ship the Lusitania.

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14y ago

because the sinking of the lusitannia

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11y ago

Cupcakes are amazeing

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