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September 1, 1939 when German Nazis invaded Poland is considered the first day of the war. The war had not involved all the nations at that time but it was the spark of the war. The Brits and French declared war on Germany because of this invasion.

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World War 2 officially ended on 2nd September 1945 at 9:08am (Tokyo,Japan)

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Q: What exact time and date did world war 2 ended?
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How old was the great pyramid when Cleopatra VII ruled Egypt?

The great pyramid was finished around 2540 BC. Cleopatra's reign ended in 30 BC. so the great pyramid was roughly 2500 years old in Cleopatra's time. These figures are not exact for the pyramid because we don't know the exact date of its construction or finish, so therefore its impossible to give a precise age for the pyramid during Cleo's time.The great pyramid was finished around 2540 BC. Cleopatra's reign ended in 30 BC. so the great pyramid was roughly 2500 years old in Cleopatra's time. These figures are not exact for the pyramid because we don't know the exact date of its construction or finish, so therefore its impossible to give a precise age for the pyramid during Cleo's time.The great pyramid was finished around 2540 BC. Cleopatra's reign ended in 30 BC. so the great pyramid was roughly 2500 years old in Cleopatra's time. These figures are not exact for the pyramid because we don't know the exact date of its construction or finish, so therefore its impossible to give a precise age for the pyramid during Cleo's time.The great pyramid was finished around 2540 BC. Cleopatra's reign ended in 30 BC. so the great pyramid was roughly 2500 years old in Cleopatra's time. These figures are not exact for the pyramid because we don't know the exact date of its construction or finish, so therefore its impossible to give a precise age for the pyramid during Cleo's time.The great pyramid was finished around 2540 BC. Cleopatra's reign ended in 30 BC. so the great pyramid was roughly 2500 years old in Cleopatra's time. These figures are not exact for the pyramid because we don't know the exact date of its construction or finish, so therefore its impossible to give a precise age for the pyramid during Cleo's time.The great pyramid was finished around 2540 BC. Cleopatra's reign ended in 30 BC. so the great pyramid was roughly 2500 years old in Cleopatra's time. These figures are not exact for the pyramid because we don't know the exact date of its construction or finish, so therefore its impossible to give a precise age for the pyramid during Cleo's time.The great pyramid was finished around 2540 BC. Cleopatra's reign ended in 30 BC. so the great pyramid was roughly 2500 years old in Cleopatra's time. These figures are not exact for the pyramid because we don't know the exact date of its construction or finish, so therefore its impossible to give a precise age for the pyramid during Cleo's time.The great pyramid was finished around 2540 BC. Cleopatra's reign ended in 30 BC. so the great pyramid was roughly 2500 years old in Cleopatra's time. These figures are not exact for the pyramid because we don't know the exact date of its construction or finish, so therefore its impossible to give a precise age for the pyramid during Cleo's time.The great pyramid was finished around 2540 BC. Cleopatra's reign ended in 30 BC. so the great pyramid was roughly 2500 years old in Cleopatra's time. These figures are not exact for the pyramid because we don't know the exact date of its construction or finish, so therefore its impossible to give a precise age for the pyramid during Cleo's time.