Five things that occurred that led America out of isolationism were the Boxer Rebellion, the Open Door Policy, the Spanish-American War, Japanese-Russian settlement, and the Algecircas Conference.
Democracy (aka the Free World) and Communism combined to defeat Fascism in World War 2. It was only natural that these two ideologies should become adversaries after the war. The USA and USSR emerged as the two most powerful countries on the winning side, so they became the global superpowers for the next four decades. * The rivalry between the USA and USSR is long and complicated, and they became superpowers as a result, with Great Britain and France remaining as world powers for Democracy, and the People's Republic of China emerging as a world power for Communism. * In the postwar years, a country could not be a world power without a nuclear arsenal, which is why the five countries named above became the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. Today, many other countries have nuclear weaponry, but they are not world powers, let alone superpowers.
Five Power Naval Limitation Treaty
list five items that were rationed during WWII and why they were rationed.
water, steam, electricity, coal,oil(OW)
Solar, Nuclear, Wind, Water, and Fossil Fuel power
air, wood, water, fire, and earth
The five sources of energy are solar, nuclear, wind, hydroelectric and fossil fuels. Nowadays there are five energy sources: fossil fuels, nuclear, wind, hydroelectric amd solar. The alternative sources are solar, wind and hydroelectric.
to get to world four you have to beat the world two boss with the power up mini and to get to world seven you have to beat the world five boss with the power up mini
Five types of energy sources are:hydro electricthermalsolarwindnuclear energygeothermaltidal/wavechemical (batteries)
The Power of Five was created in 2005.
yes, there is. you get a flying power on super power island after you beat five villains.
Five to the fifth power, or five times five times five times five times five.