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After the Invasion of Maryland, General Lee made a plan for his attack on the north. But a Confederate soldier accidentally left a copy in 3 unused cigars in the camp. After they left, Union Soldiers arrived to rest. An Soldier stumble upon them and gave them to his general. Seeing that these were capture plans, McClellan finally got the chance to stop Lee's army. On September17, 1862, at Antietam Creek, near Sharpsburg Maryland, McClellan's army clashed violently with that of Lee's. This resulted in the Battle of Antietam. It is said it was the bloodiest day of American history. Neither side gained any ground by nightfall, 25,000 men were dead or wounded. Lee who lost one-third of his army, withdrew to Virginia.McClellan was too cautious to follow, missing his chance to finish of the Southern army. Lincoln was so fed up that McClellan did not finish the Southern army, he fired the general of duty in November, 1862.

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Q: What happened in the war of Antietam?
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The Battle of Antietam took place in which war?

US Civil War