they fought in the trenches ww1 was known as a war in the trenches
nothing they just built more jobs for them (factory's)
Simply you had ask for instructions of the person that had been in the trenches long before you
They were used for blasting people out of trenches.
How reliable is black adder as a source of information about the ww1 trenches?
There were electric light in German trenches in WW1 because they were more advanced and had better trenches than the British.
they fought in the trenches ww1 was known as a war in the trenches
The greatest killer of troops during WW1 was the flu virus, not military action.
nothing they just built more jobs for them (factory's)
There was fleas in both ww1 and ww2 they they lived in the clothes and in the shoes of the men, they feed on the dead skin cells of the solders.
during ww1 men in trenches would call a barouge of cannon fire shelling
Trenches used in WW1
November 1914
fighting in trenches
Barbed wire was used to protect the trenches.
Chlorine gas was used to drive enemy men out of their trenches in order to make it easier to take the enemy trenches. Even now, it is used to soften up enemy positions.