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Japan played a large part in World War II. It attacked most its neighboring countries in Asia and was an ally of Nazi Germany. Japan also caused the United States to enter the war by attacking Pearly Harbor and killing 2,403 US service members and 68 civilians.

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7y ago

Guam, Philippines, Hong Kong, most of China, part of New Guinea, Tarawa, Truk, Okinawa, Taiwan, some islands in the Aleutian Islands (Alaska), Guadalcanal, French Indo-China, Java, Celebes, Borneo, Caroline Islands, Iwo Jima, and many other countless tiny islands throughout the Pacific Ocean. Of course some were taken before war had started and all these territories were lost when Japan surrendered.

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16y ago

the phillapines im told

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Q: What land did Japan take over during world war 2?
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Did Germany take over Japan during world war 2?

No, Germany did not take over Japan. After world war 2, Germany did throw two atomic bombs in Japan, but they never took over their land because there was no one to rule them because adolf Hitler was dead.

How much land did Japan get in World War 2?

Japan lost land in World War 2 as they lost the war. During the war they took over parts of China, Korea and a large number of islands across the Pacific including the Philippines.

What land did China and Japan fight over after world war 1?

japan felt that they needed more land from china after ww1. japan felt that they needed more land from china after ww1.

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Why did japan want war during World War 2?

Because Japan wantde to take over Asia.

Did japan try taking over China during World War 1?

yep they did

What region did japan want to control during world war 2?

Japan wanted to take over East Aisa and the pacific. :)

How did the US become a target for Japan?

There might be many reasons that US became the target of Japan during the World War II. Japan might wanted to win over US because US was the winner of the World War I. Also Japan might wanted to rule all over the world.

What non European nation took over much of southeast Asia during World War 2?


Why was japan Germany and Italy able to take land over?

Their armies navies and air forces were the strongest the world knew at the time

What were the planes for japan called in World War 2?

Planes were airplanes or aircraft. Suicide planes were called "Kamikazes."

What did the us do to japan's two cities nagasaki and hiroshima during World War 2?

They dropped atomic bombs over them.