The united states and the soviet union began building up their military forces very quickly
The US and the Soviet Union were able to relate to each other at the United Nations. They made agreements on arms control.
The arms race was dangerous because neither the Soviet Union or the U.S could protect its people from a nuclear attack.
It was the biggest feature of the Cold War because it was an arms race between the U.S. and its allies versus the Soviet Union and its allies. At this point, it was whoever had the most nukes had the most power.
the united states and the soviet union both scrambled to make as many bombs as possible
Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe after WWII.
The significance of it was so that they both could see who was better.The Soviet Union won the race.
in 1991 when soviet union collapse
Detente eased the tension between the Soviet Union and the u.s. The reduction of nuclear arms enhanced national security for both nations. "thawing" period of the cold war.
Detente eased the tension between the Soviet Union and the u.s. The reduction of nuclear arms enhanced national security for both nations. "thawing" period of the cold war.
SALT II pledged the nations to limit nuclear arms production.
The united states and the soviet union began building up their military forces very quickly
The Soviet Union
in responce to the bay of pigs and to other confrontations between the unites states and the soviet union, the soviet union began to ship arms to cuna in the summer of 1962.
Type your answer here... The United States and the Soviet Union began building up their military forces very quickly.
Type your answer here... The United States and the Soviet Union began building up their military forces very quickly.