Slang term for a German ( fritz was/is a German name)
German- Americans and Irish- Americans were commonly called hyphenateds during the WWI area.
A nickname for US soldiers in WW1 was doughboys.
Jerry Jerry was the British term. US soldiers called them Krauts or Nazis.
Slang term for a German ( fritz was/is a German name)
German- Americans and Irish- Americans were commonly called hyphenateds during the WWI area.
A nickname for US soldiers in WW1 was doughboys.
An Alleyman is military slang for a German, especially during the First World War.
Jerry Jerry was the British term. US soldiers called them Krauts or Nazis.
Storm trooper
during World War II
German U-boat attacks
Americans were angry German U-boats had Killed U.S. citizens. -APEX ;)