Italy, sort of. Italy was never technically part of the Central Powers but did switch sides. When the war started in August 1914, Italy was in a defensive alliance with Austria-Hungary and Germany. Since Austria-Hungary was technically the first country to declare war, Italy said that the defensive alliance was not triggered and said that they did not have to become involved in the new war. A side factor is that Italy and Austria-Hungary had been fierce enemies for most of the 1800s, and Austria-Hungary still ruled some land that Italy believed was rightfully Italian. So Italy only really agreed to the alliance in order to protect themselves in the event of a war- around 1881, there was a small chance of Italy and France going to war, a war that Italy would have had a hard time winning alone. So anyway, in late April 1915, the Allies made an offer to Italy- if Italy joined their side, and then the Allies won the war, then Italy would be given the Italian lands that Austria still controlled. Italy agreed to the offer. They officially canceled the old alliance with Austria-Hungary and Germany, and joined the war as part of the Allies.
I believe that all of the branches of the military offer some form of insurance. If they do not then many insurance firms will offer military discounts to servicemen and women.
how is it the interest of th united states to offer ecenomic and social aid to foregin countries
axis countries must give up completely
axis countries must give up completely
I accept your offer for me.
"I will gladly accept your offer"
Accept is the present tense. Past tense would be accepted. ie. "I accept your offer" vs. "I accepted your offer".
Choosing means to accept an offer from someone. Refusing means to put down, or to not accept an offer.
they could not accept it....
No. It is an offer of aid to you. You can decline the offer
The Western Allies had pushed the Nazis back to the Elba River. The Russians surrounded and destroyed Berlin. Hitler and his immediate entourage committed suicide in the Fürerbumker. And even though the Germans made overtures to Eisenhower offering separate peace, he rejected the offer and demanded unconditional complete surrender.
I think you mean sentence and this is a sentence: "I will gladly accept your offer."
Because he knew if the allies the united states would drawn into the war