The NFL initials stand for: National Football League. Most people call it (The) National Football League
Australian Capital Territory
USS - United States Ship
I ANZAC Corps ended in 1917.
American International Group. They are now in the process of "rebranding" themselves as AIU Holdings Ltd.
The initials for the Aussies (and Kiwis) in World War 1 were ANZAC.
what does ARAM stand for
What do the initials n.u.t
what do the initials TAB stand for in the TAB injection
The country initials "ZIM" stand for Zimbabwe.
HP Lovecraft's initials stand for Howard Phillips.
The initials "PBR" stand for the perscriber of the medication.
The initials PBR can stand for many things. One thing that they stand for is pro bull riding.
It stand for rescuestopanimalcrueality
The MDT initials stand for Certified in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy of the Spine.
i don't know if there is another thing with the initials, MLC, but to me, the initials, MLC are the initials of my name
Alan Alexander Milne