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The Enigma machine was a machine used to encrypt, and decrypt, messages. Although it had been commercially available from the 1920s and had been used by the governments and military of several nations, it is mainly known for being used by the Nazis in World War II.

The British, through contacts in Poland, got their hands on a copy of it and were able to read a lot of German wireless communication - but it took a lot of work. Just having the machine didn't make decrypting the messages easy.

Intelligence gathered by decrypting Enigma was known as 'Ultra'. Much work was done at Station X, Bletchley Park, by Alan Turing & others. The Achilles heel of the Enigma machine, whether it was 3 rotor or 4 (Used by the Kreigsmarine) was that it would not type the same letter as the letter to be encrypted. The name of the computer that eventually cracked Enigma was Colossus. Quite how it was all done is way beyond my field of expertese !

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Enigma was a Encoding machine. (makes a typed message into a code)

The system was virtually unbreakable and gave the Germans a large advantage during the early part of the war.

The Allies broke parts of the coding system but the Germans updated the system regularly.

The advantage disappeared when the allies captured a machine. This allowed them to keep up with changes relatively easily.

There are photos and such if you wiki it.

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